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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to Create Products That Sell Fast Online

Creating a product is one thing and creating a product that will sell like hotcakes online is another. This will require not only expertise but enormous time, planning, and precise execution as well to make sure that people online will find the product appealing, valuable, and worth every penny.

Here's how you can create products that sell fast online:

1. Give your potential clients what they want. The best way to convince people to shell out money is to offer them with products that they will find interesting and relevant to their lives. Before you start creating any type of product, ensure that it will address the needs, demands, or wants of those people you are serving. It would help if you can run a survey on your website or on relevant blogs to figure out what type of products your potential clients are looking for. By doing so, you can easily get the pulse of these people and you can make this difficult endeavor a lot easier and well-guided.

2. Add value to your products. Adding additional value to your offerings will help you increase your customer satisfaction and your conversion rate as it can make your products look more enticing and more valuable to the eyes of your potential clients. You can add some exciting features and benefits that will make your customers feel that your product is a great buy.

3. Offer great deals. As you might already know, online users or people in general simply love getting something for free. You can easily boost your sales leads by throwing away freebies (like short ebooks, tutorials, ecourses, reports, newsletters, etc.) that are closely related to your main products. It will also be a great idea if you can offer huge discounts especially to your first-time buyers so they will be enticed to try your products.

4. Go with niches that are not very competitive. As a marketer, you need to understand that tight competition over the World Wide Web will make it much difficult for you to make a decent sale no matter how good your products are. So, try your best to target niches that are not very congested so you can increase your chances of making a sale. Do a keyword analysis and pick the search terms that popular within your chosen niche but are ignored by other marketers.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

How To Blog For Profit

You need to fist understand what a Blog is.
A Blog is a website that can be used easily by anyone, and the most interesting part is that it is free and not technical at all. All you need to do is just to pick a template, put in your content and publish.

First, we need to obtain either a free blog or a paid blog. For starters, you can obtain a free blog at or

The next thing that should be on your mind is to decide how you will attract a lot of readers to your site because if you don’t have a lot of readers, then you may not be getting as much income as you aught to. The truth is that no matter how attracting you site is or how rich your content is, if you don’t have readers, don’t expect to make money from your blog. Now, having this in mind, the next thing to do is decide the kind of content you want to have on your blog. You see, you need to understand that people coming to your blog are not just coming because they do not anything important to do, rather, they are coming to your blog because they need information and not just information, but information that will make them better or add value to them. So your content should be such that is educative and informative. As you write your articles, write as if you are presently talking to a friend and not like you are preparing a speech. This is just to catch the attention of your readers and make them more relaxed rather than them seeing you as an authority over them. Also, make funny comments in your articles where necessary. Try to establish your own personality through your words because your visitors will like to know as much about you as the information you are offering them.

You need to update your blog regularly so as to make your visitors come back to your blog. Hence, you must always write a fresh topic. I will advice you to start with what you are passionate about, I mean what you know best and what you will always want to do. You see, the reason is this, if you start with what you are passionate about, you will always have something to write everyday and with that, you don't have to wake up in the morning and the first thing on you mind is what do I write today?. This is not good at all because you will realize that instead of just writing, you will be thinking and you know what, time is running very fast. So, writing what you are passionate about makes things easy and you will notice that you just want to write all the time.

To make your content more profitable, you need to search for what people are looking for that is related to what you are passionate about. what I mean is this, lets say you like the topic HEALTH, now search for what people are looking for concerning health. If you can put this two together, things will be much more easier for you. The sincere truth is that it is not just writing what you are passionate about, but writing it in line with what people are seriously searching for.

Monetizing Your Blog.
There are several ways to make money from your blog but I will like to discourse just two.

Selling space to advertisers.
You can make your blog available to those who wants to advertise. Of course you will have to charge them a monthly fee or a one time fee depending on your choice. It takes a lot of time to find those who will be interested in posting their ads on your blog. That alone is a lot of work on your part and for you to maintain those customers of yours, your blog must be such that has a lot of traffic on it. Think about this, when you place an advert somewhere and you have no results, will you keep placing your advert there? No. but when you see a consistent result of your advert, you will have no choice than to keep placing you adverts there. So you see, your blog should be known for a lot of traffic for you to maintain your customers.

Google Adsense Programm.
Google simply place adverts on your site and you earn money whenever someone clicks on it. Google’s Adsense programme is a really useful way to monetize your blog because when users finish reading your newest post, chances are they want to leave your blog because they have nothing else to do on your blog. If your Adsense advertisement block is visible on your blog, they might see advertisements relevant to them and click on them to exit your blog, then you’ve just cashed in on your first virtual cents!
But yes, your profits will only be cents if you don’t “do it right”. This involves placing your Google ads in the right places and ensuring they blend in to your site so that they appear more like links rather than advertisements to your visitors. Consult the page to see the “heat map” of your blog. The “hotter” a certain area, the greater the chances of someone looking at your blog.
Once you get a Google Adsense account, you can change the colour of your advertisement text and links. You will want them to match the colours on your blog. If your blog’s text is black and the links are red, do the same for the ad blocks too! It’s that simple.
You can make a lot of money if you understand how the whole process work.
It does not end here, start something today.