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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


One of the easiest way to start an online business especially when you do not have a product of your own is to market other people’s product and whenever someone buys that product, the owner of that product will pay you a stated commission. This is called AFFILIATE MARKETING. As an affiliate marketer, you don’t need to border your head about creating your own product, you don’t need to think about how to deliver those products and you don’t think about a payment processor, All these will be taken care of by the owner of the product, yours is to make sales and get your commission for your sales. The commission could be as low as 5% and it could be as high as 75% depending what the owner chooses to pay.

Where do I get a product to promote?
There are so many places where you can get any kind of product to promote. Places like,, have different kinds of product to promote. All you need to do is visit those sites, sign up with them and get a product to promote. After signing up with them, you will be given a link that you will copy and paste on your website. This link will reflect your ID and this will indicate that the buyer is from you. So paying you your commission will not be a problem for them. Some of them pay you every fifteen days or monthly.

What kind of product can I promote?
You can promote any kind of product, but the first thing to check is the sales page of the product you intend to promote. Does it attract you? Is it such that you just want to buy the product immediately? These two questions will determine your sales. If the sales page does not attract you, does not make you want to buy immediately, and does not give sufficient details of that product, then your costumers may not also be interested. I will also suggest you promote a product you can easily get contents for because you will need to write different articles to promote the product.

How do I promote these products?
Write articles about the product you are promoting and at the end of your articles, leave a link to the site with which you are using to promote the product. The link is usually in the resource box. Also, go to forums and make relevant contributions in issues related to the product you are promoting. At the end of you contributions, leave a link back to the site with which you are using to promote the product.

What if I don’t have a website, can I still promote a product?
Yes you can. U can use a blog to promote a produt. A blog is like a dairy you update regularly. The most interesting part is that you don’t need to worry about a fee or the design of the blog because it is free and it has its template set. You can get one at

So, not having your own product to sell is not an excuse for you not to start your online business today.

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